Valve clearance check

Valve clearances are the small gaps between the tops of the valve stems and the part of the mechanism which presses on them to open the valves. These needs to be checked every 5000 - 10000 km since they might need adjustments. My KTM 640 Adventure had small inspection windows where the clearance could be checked and adjusted with a screw. On the 690 Enduro R it is a bit more fiddly which is why I documented it here for next time. Front fairings removed now remove the tanks. First step is to disconnect the fuel line so that fuel from the rear tank wont flow thru the hoses to the front once they are disconnected. Now remove the tanks by first removing the fuel lines Remove air box and battery Cover the air intake from dirt and remove the breather housing Unscrew the 4 bolts holding the valve cover lid and remove it exposing the mechanism Set the position to top dead center. Different ways to do this but I find it easiest to just se...